It is Bekhrad International Inspection Services determination to achieve customer’s satisfaction through providing inspection services in utmost professional, independent and efficient manner reflecting our belief that
“Clients satisfaction secures every company’s prosperity”
Since customers satisfaction is attained through the level of quality incorporated in the offered services, by implementing quality management system standard ISO 9001:2008 and utilizing the most contemporary management techniques, our company is looking forward to achieve the below goals:
- Attaining customer’s satisfaction and making loyal customers by fulfilling their requirements and setting up an organized system for attending to their complaints and claims
- Engaging qualified staff to perform inspections with outmost care, skill and speed in an independent manner and in compliance with professional, national and international standards
- Expanding our human resources, enhancing our professional skills and increasing motivations of our employees
The company’s management remains committed to the development and implementation of the quality management system. Continual improvement and effectiveness is assured by appointing one of the managers as the management representative, allocating necessary resources, establishing quality objectives and related procedures and full support of the company’s staff in achieving the foregoing goals.